

At Kaiser Marketing Group, we offer a depth and breadth of capabilities and expertise that allows us to partner with you at every level.  

Our various and wide-ranging backgrounds—corporate, agency, non-profit, business-to-business and business-to-consumer—provide us with the insight necessary to address all your needs. We know just where you’re coming from.

Whether it’s a quick turn to issue a news release or the development and implementation of a comprehensive product launch, we’ve got you covered.

Simply put: We have what it takes to deliver results, service and value.    



We offer a host of marketing and public relations services that will help you engage your audiences.  

The Kaiser Marketing Group team of professionals can help you develop and customize a strategy that employs the necessary tactics to meet your business objectives.

No cookie-cutter programs here. Whether it’s a single program or a combination of several, we tailor our services to meet your specific needs and drive the results you expect.



Strategic Planning
Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, said “Every well-built house started in the form of a definite purpose plus a definite plan in the nature of a set of blueprints.” With that in mind, we have developed a strategic planning process that helps keep your eye on the future, the focus on your true innovation and communications in plain language that your audiences will understand. From brand development to key messaging to positioning, we help you develop a blueprint that will help drive share of voice in the market and meet your objectives.


Media Relations
Many companies just wait for something newsworthy to happen before taking action. We take the bull by the horns and develop a proactive media relations program that aggressively seeks opportunities to communicate with your target audiences. We know what sells a good story. By targeting editors, reporters and other media influencers with an ongoing stream of creative news angles and the necessary background materials, we get your message across.

Thought Leadership
It’s easy for most companies to “talk the talk.” However, the truly successful companies “walk the walk” by building credibility and establishing themselves as thought leaders within their industries. White papers, bylined articles, and op-ed columns can help position you out in front of the competition while case studies can provide valuable proof of concept. We can handle everything turnkey: develop the topics, write the materials and secure the placements.

Content Development and Marketing
We’ll put our strategic marketing skills to work to create and distribute valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain your target audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.  Based on the needs, pain points and desires of your target audience, our content marketing will have an impact for your brand.

Event Planning
A grand opening for the city’s newest eatery. A lavish fundraiser for a local charity. How about a splashy product launch at an industry trade show? Or, a one-of-a-kind corporate event or sales meeting? Our event services run the full spectrum of what you may need, from planning and creative to event production and project management. One size fits all does not apply here. We customize your event to engage, excite and entertain.  

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Social Media
Don’t be left out of the conversation. Our social media services connect your company and your brand directly with target communities by generating relevant content and engaging them in discussions online. Whether it’s starting a Power Forum on LinkedIn, uploading a How-To video on YouTube, building a Fan Page on Facebook, or starting a Twitter conversation, we can develop a campaign that generates online buzz, drives traffic, encourages customer engagement—and, ultimately, helps build brand awareness.

Pulse Rate
In an ever-changing marketplace, it's sometimes difficult to measure the health of your own business—let alone how the competition is doing. But, to keep your company from flat-lining, you should routinely check the vital signs of your audience to get a sense of where your marketing and public relations campaigns have been and where you want to take them. Our capabilities include surveys, web and media monitoring, focus groups, and competitive analysis as well as communications and public relations audits.

Crisis Communications
For a global, regional or local business today, a crisis can be lurking just around the corner, whether issues originate from disgruntled employees, faulty products, impending legislation or changing world events. We’ll get you prepared proactively with a solid crisis communications plan and playbook. When crisis does strike, we counterbalance the negativity and get your business back on track. Our crisis communications professionals are on call to help you identify, prioritize and respond to any number of issues and emergencies that may arise—always working to communicate the right message, to the right audience, at the right time.   

Media Training
A leading industry journal once wrote this about media training: “You need more than tips about how to sit, dress and look. It won’t matter that your shoes are shined if your foot is in your mouth.” Confident, smooth communication is no coincidence. It is a skill honed by proper training and practice. Our media training program provides information and tools that help develop more effective spokespersons who can sell and differentiate your organization in the real world of media.   

Media Planning
Just because your ad looks good doesn’t mean it will get noticed. We develop innovative media plans that stretch your advertising dollars to achieve your overall communications objectives, based on target audience research. Our strategic advertising suite of services includes planning, placement negotiations, media buying, insertion management and creative. Our experience includes local, national and trade media advertising in many forms of media (print, cable, broadcast, billboard, radio, online, etc.).

Sometime words just aren’t enough. We believe that a visual message can be just as an important communication medium. With that in mind, we offer a variety of creative, on-target graphic design services to get your message out—both in print and online. We design to support your brand and engage your audiences, from logos, brochures, websites and advertising to trade show booths, direct mailers and product packaging.